


Russia or Russian Federation is a transcontinental country ( a country which is  spread in more than one continent ) spread in  Eastern Europe  and Northern Asia. It is the largest country in the world. It's area is 17,125,191 km² ( including Crimea ) or 6.6*10⁶ sq. mi. It extends across 11 time zones, and has the most borders of the country in the world with 16 sovereign has a population of 143,759,445 ( excluding Crimea ) and  146,171,015 ( including Crimea ) and is the ninth most populous country in the world. Moscow,the capital, is the largest city in Russia. The official language of Russia is Russian.                                                                                              


Density- 8.4/km² ( 21.8/ sq mi)

GDP- $1.71 trillion (11th)

GDP- per capita - $11,654 (64 th)

Gini (2018) - 37.5 (medium)

HDI (2019) - 0.824 (very high) 52nd

Currency- Russian Rouble 

Time zone- UTC +2 to +12

Calling code- +7

Driving side- right

Internet LTD- .ru


                                                            SOVIET UNION 

Soviet Union or officially Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) was the largest country in the world in 20th century spanning from Europe to Asia and its was 22,402,200 km² or 8,649,500 sq mi.

It was comprised of 15 countries

  1. Lithuania
  2. Georgia
  3. Estonia
  4. Latvia
  5. Ukraine
  6. Moldova
  7. Kyrgyzstan
  8. Uzbekistan
  9. Tajikistan
  10. Armenia
  11. Azerbaijan
  12. Turkmenistan
  13. Belarus
  14. Russia
  15. Kazakhstan

Official language- Russian

Capital and largest city -  Moscow

Area- 22,402,200 km²

Population- 286,730,819

Density- 12.7/km²

                 (32.9/ sq mi)

GDP- (nominal)- $2.7 trillion (2nd in 1990)

GDP- per capita- $9,000

GINI- 0.275 (low)

HDI-0.920 (very high)

Currency- Soviet Ruble 

Time zone- UTC +2 to +12

Date format-dd-mm-yyyy 

Driving side- right

Calling code- +7

Internet LTD- .su^


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